
I'm never sure where to start when describing myself.
Human female pretty much covers it in general terms!
Human, alive and with forty four years of experiences crammed into my brain.
Amazingly it only overheats now and then!
Some of my favourite things are, in no particular order:
Writing (lyrics, stories, poetry, prose, novels, letters)I could go on here!
Making people laugh,
Waking up every day,
True Blood,
Nearly every dress ever seen on Miss Marple.
Music, oh I love music.
From Mozart to and including Marilyn Manson. But not so keen on thrash metal. Or hip hop come to think of it.
Playing the guitar
Really, I could go on indefinately (and often do) but I think that's enough for now!
The picture I've used is one taken of me when 1 was in my early 20's. It's only 20 years out of  date! My excuse for using it, I mean, reason for using it, is that I don't have any current ones that I like. When I do....maybe I will, maybe I won't. I quite like the way I looked 2 decades ago!